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Women Latinists Florence
Spaces of literary production

Previous courses: 

July 2022-2023



Florence, Italy



Join us in the heart of Florence this summer to study women’s writing in Latin on this unique course that brings language to life in the real spaces where women wrote Latin. Our seminars are organised thematically around spaces of literary production, delivered by specialists and complemented by hands-on workshops and in situ readings at sites of special importanceWith a strong focus on primary sources from antiquity up to the early modern period, you will hone your Latin reading skills, discover new authors and engage deeply with the challenges, breakthroughs and patterns that emerge from 1,500 years of women's writing. 


Who is this course suitable for? 

Anyone with an intermediate-advanced background in Latin, looking for more practice reading authentic texts. No experience with post-classical Latin required. This course will be of great value to taught and research students plus teachers who have had limited experience reading texts by women.


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Pay respects at the tomb of a Latin poetess, read ancient poetry about the Arno on the Arno, compose your own epigram and learn how to letterpress, recite a letter by a Latinist in her palazzo home, decode the Latin signatures of female artists, read the medical advice of female scientists, write Latin postcards in a historic salon overlooking the Duomo and direct the kitchen scene from a convent comedy in our very own convent classroom & much more. 


A Typical Day

This course is taught primarily through seminars composed of preliminary activities, reading and discussion of Latin texts grouped by theme (two themes per day), plus practical workshops designed to strengthen research skills and engage creatively with women's Latin. Special guests, outings and language drop-ins are also scheduled throughout.


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Free Time

In the evenings, students are free to immerse themselves in the Italian dolce vita alongside their studies and join suggested events on our Cultural Programme, which compiles local events such as exhibitions, library lectures, art classes, film screenings and aperitivo. There is also free time factored in on Sunday 23 July (no tuition) mid-way through the course.


Our Approach

Courses designed by Forte Academy are intended to be both intellectual and practical: Included in the course fee are several hands-on workshops to engage with practices and techniques of production used by Women Latinists over the centuries. At Forte Academy, we combine interactive pedagogy with a strong emphasis on primary sources and developing Latin reading proficiency. Our philosophy is to challenge the canon by balancing the canon and promoting critical thinking, so that students gain the skills to research the past with "fresh eyes".


What's Included?*

  • Full timetable of engaging salon-style Latin seminars divided into themes and combining reading, writing and speaking opportunities.  

  • A selection of guided outings and in situ readingbringing Latin to life in special places such as rivers, libraries, convents and historic buildings.

  • Exclusive hands-on workshops e.g. our Latin Palaeography and print-making class delivered by experts in the field.

  • Specific sessions tailored towards strengthening your independent research and reading skills and access to free teaching resources to incorporate women's Latin into your own curriculum. 

  • Total programming of 5-6 hours per day plus a Cultural Programme of optional suggested events for the evening, such as city walks, language drop-ins, library talks, outdoor film and music events and creative activism in galleries.

  • 4 groups meals. 

*Flights, accommodation and meals except those listed are not included. Students must be 18 years old at the time of travel unless accompanied.


2023 Fees & How to Apply 


Full Course: £1395


Application status: closed


Please complete an application form to be considered for a place on this course. Places are limited will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 



Florence boasts a wide range of accommodation options to suit every budget. We can help advise students on finding a home base for your stay within walking distance of our study spaces in the vibrant city centre for the course duration. We can also put Women Latinists students in touch with each other with a view to finding shared accommodation. 

Feedback from Women Latinists students...

In Florence

"This program left me feeling invigorated in my love of Latin and excited for the school year so I could begin introducing more women-authored texts to my students. The teaching tools I gained and connections I made with the Forte Academy will stay with me for a long time and I look forward to expanding my knowledge of women's Latin even more in the future.
- WL 2023 Student

"This summer course was amazing;
the texts studied and the activities all fit together extremely well; we got a chance to meet interesting women from former times as well as from contemporary Florence, and I particularly liked that so much feminist awareness training happened en route! The two weeks passed all too quickly. Huge thanks to the organizers!"
- WL 2022 Student

"The course was
a delightful jaunt through history, seen through eyes and texts less often encountered.  It was encouraging to see these women's work live again in such a beautiful setting.  The teachers of the course are experts in their fields and show passion for their studies. I can't wait to come back and learn more!"
- WL 2022 Student


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